Mill Arm Care
This program is designed to give athletes an outlined plan of correctives, lifting, arm care routines, and throwing. We run each athlete through a movement screening to assess a baseline and establish goals for the following months. The correctives are for athletes to do pre-throw or pre-lift depending on their schedule. Correctives are stretches, mobility, and soft tissue work designed to help the athlete gain movement and help reach their goals in terms of throwing. From correctives to the plyo phase we write out the phases of plyos in terms of a progression. From abbreviated positions to specifics patterns that each athlete needs to improve on. The lifting portion of each athlete's program is designed around their needs - as the months progress the lifts are progressive based as each athlete gets stronger and moves better within the weight room.
The program costs $150 per month and the sign-ups are through our in-house software eSoft. We ask that each athlete schedules an assessment once they have completed the enrollment through our software.
Please contact Brian ( and Preston ( for further questions and to schedule your assessment today!